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Located in Cale Green, Bamford Close is a charming home surrounded by nature. Its unique layout consists of four self-contained ‘households’, complete with ten bedrooms, a lounge, dining area and assisted bathing, shower and toilet facilities. There is also a large central lounge and a pub for the residents to enjoy! Whether your loved one enjoys relaxing quietly or socialising with others, there’s something for everyone at Bamford Close.
Our dedicated team makes sure every resident’s needs are met. We have Activity and Lifestyle Facilitators (ALFs) to make sure there’s always something for our residents to look forward to. As well as specialist dementia care, our team provides compassionate and dignified End of Life care.
What do we offer at Bamford Close?
Digital Care System
On site hairdressing
Pretty courtyard gardens
Activities, Games & Trips
Bespoke menu planning
Regular Outings
Snack Boxes
On site podiatrist
Access to kitchen facilities
Coffee Shop

Meet the Manager
Deborah Whitworth
Deborah Whitworth has been a Care Home Manager for over 10 years and has worked at Borough Care since November 2021. Deborah started off as a Care Assistant 30 years ago and worked her way to Senior Care, Team Leader, and Nurse Aid before becoming a Manager in 2010. She loves working in care because she likes to make a difference in residents’ lives and ensure they are happy and cared for. Deborah has an open-door policy and will always make time to speak to our lovely families about their loved ones.
Take a look around Bamford Close
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Bamford Close
Adswood Lane West, Cale Green, Stockport, SK3 8HT
Tel: 0161 480 6712