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We’ve updated the guidance on face masks in our homes.

By 7 February 2023Borough Care News

Firstly, and most importantly, we would like to extend a sincere thank you to all Borough Care staff and visitors who throughout the past three years have adhered to government guidance and policies on COVID-19. We know it has been a huge challenge.

We are now implementing changes, based on recent Government guidance, meaning that from today, neither care workers, nor visitors will be required to wear face masks in our homes, under most circumstances.

There do remain certain situations where the use of face masks might need to be reintroduced, but you will be informed if that should happen. Decisions to require masks will be based on various risk factors, some of which are described below. Where such risks are identified, the use of face masks and other infection control processes will again become compulsory for all staff members and visitors to minimise the risk of transmission of disease. Of course, we hope such occasions will be very rare.

Particular risks include (but are not limited to):

  • Should a resident test positive, or be suspected to have COVID-19;
  • Where a staff member has close contact, or lives with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19;
  • If a care home is in an outbreak; or
  • If a resident asks for staff to wear a face mask around them.

Should the need to wear masks arise, it is important that this is clearly communicated to all staff to prevent any misunderstanding. Signage will be provided, to be placed around the home stating that masks must be worn.

Other transmissible viruses such as flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and norovirus are all a risk to our residents. If members of any care home team or visitors have any symptoms that suggest these other viruses and infections, such as cough, high temperature, vomiting or diarrhoea, they should avoid the care home until at least five days after they feel better.

Once again, thank you to our Borough Care families. We know that you will continue to do everything you can to ensure the safety of our staff and residents.