We want to know what our residents think about our homes; our care; and the activities and facilities we provide. So, to capture their views, we have created a confidential survey that covers all aspects of what it is like to live in a Borough Care home.
To make this survey as relevant and useful as possible, we have worked with residents and their families to tailor the questions and ensure the survey is accessible and easy to complete.
We are encouraging all residents able to do so, to fill in the survey. If they need assistance, then our Deputy Home Managers have been asked to help residents complete the survey.
Sophie Gardiner, Area Lead said: “The views of residents are paramount to everything we do at Borough Care. We want to create a safe and comforting space for our residents to call home and to do this we need to know what makes them happy. Following the survey, we’ll be creating action plans to make sure we address the feedback from our residents and make changes, however big or small.”
The survey deadline is 26 November 2018. We hope to share the results and a ‘You Said/We Did’ action plan in February 2019.